They say these things: Don't ask me how, there was a mosquito that killed a cow? And an ant that killed an elephant. Anything can happen now.
Mayadanawa was a community collaboration guided by Larry Reed, Dewa Berata and Nyoman Catra. The play debuted at the Walter Spies Festival in Ubud, Indonesia. The performance involved fifty artists, many local painters, dancers, and musicians from the central Balinese village of Pengosekan. The production of Mayadanawa toured extensively in Bali.
Mayadanawa is a half god and half monster, who is jealous of all the offerings that the other gods are given. He attacks the people of Bali and forces them to worship him alone. The Balinese make a long pilgrimage to ask the highest god, Indra, for help. Indra comes down in his chariot to battle the demon and Mayadanawa tries to run and hide. Each place he hides becomes a sacred site in Bali. Finally he is defeated and the river runs red with his blood. The Balinese people rejoice.
I Dewa Ketut Alit, I Dewa Putu Berata, I Nyoman Catra, Larry Reed, I Made Sidia, I Wayan Wija